HSS-E5 metal drill bit (5% cobalt) - Split point ESSENTIAL (Plastic sleeve)

Référence : 1145504

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Rapid drill bit for the drilling of steels, stainless steels, and cast irons.

  • Automatic centring
  • Cylindrical shank
  • 30° type N flute
  • 5% cobalt HSS
  • 135° tip


  • Drill press Drill press
  • Corded Drill Corded Drill
  • Cordless Screwdriver Cordless Screwdriver
  • Machine conventionnelle Machine conventionnelle
  • Pneumatic drill Pneumatic drill


  • High speed steel Cobalt 5% (tool material) High speed steel Cobalt 5% (tool material)
  • DIN 338 norm DIN 338 norm
  • Standard series 3xØ Standard series 3xØ
  • Cylindrical attachment Cylindrical attachment
  • Cross-point sharpening Cross-point sharpening
  • Angle at top of tool Angle at top of tool
  • Geometry of the flute Geometry of the flute
  • Tolerance Tolerance
  • Helix angle Helix angle


  • Cast iron Cast iron
  • Stainless steel Stainless steel
  • Metal Metal


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  • Split-point grinding:reduction of the drill tip.

  • Cylindrical shank: the diameter of the shank is equal to the diameter of the tip.

  • 30° type N flute: normal flute profile with a 30° helix angle.

  • 5% cobalt high-speed steel: HSS substrate enriched with 5% cobalt. Improved heat retention (strength, cutting sharpness)

  • 135° tip: 135° tip angle for the sharpening of the drill bit.

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Liste des articles : 1145504

Référence Drill diameter in mm Shank diameter or CM Total lenght Trimmed length Multiple Sale Quantity
11455040380 - - - - -
11455040100 1 1 34 12 2
11455040150 1.5 1.5 40 18 2
11455040200 2 2 49 24 2
11455040250 2.5 2.5 57 30 2
11455040300 3 3 61 33 2
11455040325 3.25 3.25 65 36 2
11455040350 3.5 3.5 70 39 2
11455040400 4 4 75 43 2
11455040425 4.25 4.25 75 43 2
11455040450 4.5 4.5 80 47 2
11455040500 5 5 86 52 2
11455040520 5.2 4.2 86 62 1
11455040550 5.5 5.5 93 57 1
11455040600 6 6 93 57 1
11455040650 6.5 6.5 101 63 1
11455040680 6.8 6.8 109 69 1
11455040700 7 7 109 69 1
11455040750 7.5 7.5 109 69 1
11455040800 8 8 117 75 1
11455040850 8.5 8.5 117 75 1
11455040900 9 9 125 81 1
11455040950 9.5 9.5 125 81 1
11455041000 10 10 133 87 1
11455041050 10.5 10.5 133 87 1
11455041100 11 11 142 94 1
11455041150 11.5 11.5 142 94 1
11455041200 12 12 151 101 1
11455041250 12.5 12.5 151 101 1
11455041300 13 13 151 101 1
HSS-E5 metal drill bit (5% cobalt) - Split point ESSENTIAL (Plastic sleeve)
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