Fully ground HSS metal drill bit -DIN338 -h8 -Tivoly Smart Point Grinding TECHNIC (Hanging box)

Référence : 1145706

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Powerful drill bit for progressive drilling of resistant steels, aluminium, plastics and composites, wood and derivatives, suitable for complex surfaces and for use in portable power tools.

  • Automatic centring
  • Affûtage SMART POINT
  • Tri-flat shank
  • High-speed steel


  • Drill press Drill press
  • Corded Drill Corded Drill
  • Cordless Screwdriver Cordless Screwdriver


  • High speed steel (tool material) High speed steel (tool material)
  • Shiny appearance (uncoated) Shiny appearance (uncoated)
  • DIN 338 norm DIN 338 norm
  • Cylindrique à 3 méplats 120° supp 5mm Cylindrique à 3 méplats 120° supp 5mm
  • Affûtage Tivoly Smart Point Affûtage Tivoly Smart Point
  • Angle at top of tool Angle at top of tool
  • Geometry of the flute Geometry of the flute
  • Helix angle Helix angle
  • Standard series 3xØ Standard series 3xØ
  • Tolerance Tolerance
  • Agrandisseur de trou Agrandisseur de trou


  • Cast iron Cast iron
  • Metal Metal
  • Pipe Pipe
  • Aluminum Aluminum


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  • Split-point grinding:reduction of the drill tip.

  • Affûtage TIVOLY SMART POINT (TSP) : combinaison entre un pilote de faible diamètre affûté en croix suivi d'étages formant une arête de coupe longitudinale progressive.

  • Tri-flat shank: cylindrical shank with 3x 120° flats, for 3-piece drill chucks.

  • High-speed steel: HSS substrate

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Liste des articles : 1145706

Référence Drill diameter in mm Shank diameter or CM Total lenght Trimmed length Multiple Sale Quantity
11457060300 3 3 61 33 5
11457060320 3.2 3.2 65 36 5
11457060350 3.5 3.5 70 39 5
11457060400 4 4 75 43 5
11457060420 4.2 4.2 75 43 5
11457060450 4.5 4.5 80 47 5
11457060500 5 5 86 52 5
11457060550 5.5 5.5 93 57 5
11457060600 6 6 93 57 5
11457060650 6.5 6.5 101 63 5
11457060700 7 7 109 69 5
11457060750 7.5 7.5 109 69 5
11457060800 8 8 117 75 5
Fully ground HSS metal drill bit -DIN338 -h8 -Tivoly Smart Point Grinding TECHNIC (Hanging box)
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